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Shield to fight cheat acts

"ByteClap - DataProtection" is a library for C # made for use with Unity ™.

Based on the technology of ByteClap, this gives encryption function and tamper check function to all data types.

※ It does not guarantee to completely prevent all cheat acts

※ "ByteClap" is necessary to use "ByteClap - DataProtection"


Protect all data

ByteClap - DataProtection

ByteClap - DataProtection

Function of "ByteClap - DataProtection"

It is a simple solution to protect your game data from cheating

Encrypted serialization

Encrypt the object serialization result and output it.

It can be used to protect saved data from unauthorized analysis and to prevent peeking in game scenario data.

Serialization with tampering check function

A tamper check function is added to the object serialization result.
When loading save data, you can check whether the data has been tampered with.

Encryption of variables in memory

Encrypt the value of the variable of the object in memory.
Important data can be hidden from the memory analysis act.

Tampering check of variables in memory

It makes variable of object in memory have value tampering check function.
It is possible to check whether memory rewriting act is done.

Customize data protection function

Using your own logic, you can enhance protection functions and improve processing speed

Use your own cryptographic logic

The cryptographic logic of "Encrypted serialization" and "Encryption of variables in memory" basically uses SymmetricAlgorithm which is the standard function of C#, but you can also create and use your own encryption logic.

Use your own tamper check function

The tamper check logic of "Serialization with tampering check function" and "Tampering check of variables in memory" basically uses HashAlgorithm which is the standard function of C#, but you can also create and use your own tamper check logic.

Supports use of data protection function

There is preparation to make it easy to incorporate data protection function into your program

Source code generator

You can use the ByteClap generator to output source code for "Encryption of variables in memory" and "Tampering check of variables in memory".


A manual that explains how to use each function in an easy-to-understand manner is bundled.

API documentation

XML for adding explanations to Intellisense of VisualStudio is included, and there is a complete API document which can be referred to on WEB.


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