Data type definition and data creation processing
used in comparison of execution speed and data size comparison
Very small object (having only one int field)
For Intermediate Converter
For Intermediate Converter
Small object(having fields of multiple primitive types)
Large object(having fields such as strings and arrays)
For Intermediate Converter
* Double-byte characters and half-width characters are mixed in the string.
Tuning contents of conversion processing by ByteClap
Use an intermediate processor not versioned
Set the intermediate field type to IntermediateByte
Specify the upper limit of the number of characters in the character string and treat it as fixed length
Specify the upper limit of the number of elements of the array and treat it as fixed length
Specify the upper limit of the number of characters and the number of elements of the string type array and treat it as fixed length
Reuse an instance of a byte array that sets serialized data
Reuse the target instance setting the deserialized object
Converter / Processor definition
Very small object (having only one int field)
For Intermediate Converter
Converter / Processor definition
Small object(having fields of multiple primitive types)
For Intermediate Converter
Converter / Processor definition
Large object(having fields such as strings and arrays)
For Intermediate Converter
Implementation time / Data size
Execution environment: Windows 8.1 (64 bit), Intel Core i7-4770 (3.40 GHz), memory 16.0 GB
Create a measurement program with Unity 3D, execute it after building for Windows PC
Iteration count: 1,000,000 times